
星期四, 8月 31, 2006


今日淨係識得訓訓訓, 乜都冇做過, 家下食左藥個口淡淡地, 又冇胃口, 好辛苦呢....

好彩住得近媽咪, 佢可以煲d粥比我食, 遲d結左婚都係住近娘家著數d...heeee...

星期日, 8月 27, 2006


星期五, 8月 25, 2006

二零零七年二月一日 , 農曆十二月十四日(星期四)

沐浴 解除 訂盟 納采 裁衣 冠笄 拆卸 修造 動土 移徙 入宅 除服 成服 移柩 破土 啟鑽 安葬 掃舍 修墳 伐木 納財 交易 立券
作灶 祭祀 上樑 出行

依?? 點解冇宜嫁娶既???

星期日, 8月 20, 2006

Every Worman in the World

Every Worman in the World ~ by Air Supply

Over night scenes, dinner and wine
Saturday girls
I was never in love, never had the time
In my hustle and hurry world
Laughing myself to sleep, waking up lonely
I needed someone to hold me, oh

It's such a crazy HOME? town, it can DRAG you down
Till you run out of dreams
So you party all night to the music and lights
But you don't know what happiness means
I was dancin' in the dark with strangers
No love around me, when suddenly you found me, oh

(Chorus) Girl you're ev'ry woman in the world to me
You're my fantasy, you're my reality
Girl you're ev'ry woman in the world to me
You're ev'rything I need
You're ev'rything to me, oh girl

Ev'rything good, ev'rything fine
That's what you are
So put your hand in mine and together
We'll climb as high as the highest star
I'm living a lifetime in ev'ry minute that we're together
And I'm stayin' right here forever oh
(Repeat Chorus)